Monday, 17 February 2014

Coming Soon...

Last Sunday was Septuagesima, the third Sunday before Lent.  We will return to the Diocese of Lindchester on Low Sunday--the Sunday after Easter--to see if they have all been behaving themselves.  Of course they have!  Admittedly, they have not all been behaving themselves well.  They are but a bunch of simple Anglicans, after all.  As I once heard a cathedral precentor testily remark (in connection with typos on the pew sheet), 'If you yourself are perfect, do get in touch, let us know how it's done.'

If you are late joining the party, you can read Chapter 1 of the Lindchester Chronicles here:  but to read the rest of Acts and Omissions, you will have to wait until the summer, when it will be published as a novel and an eBook by SPCK.

In the meantime, dear reader, I shall be sharpening my satirical quill and dipping it in medium sherry ready for Chapter 1 of Unseen Things Above.  Laters, as the Young People say...

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